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We want to build a Sustainable Future ,  Enjoying Today's Savings

paneles solares

We want to take advantage of this natural advantage in addition to the law that allows generating for self-consumption and injecting surpluses into the electricity distribution network.

Be part of the  energies of the future

Estacionamiento Solar

We execute self-sustaining clean non-conventional energy projects,  to generate electricity from the use of the Sun as the main source of energy.

We care about delivering our service in a personalized way,  executing projects tailored to each client for the use of Photovoltaic Energy for self-consumption.

We are interested that those who know us become our clients informed and satisfied to receive a  system to suit you.

We work at the home level (inside or outside the cities) and with different types of companies, such as,  Real Estate, Agricultural and Construction Companies


Residential On-Grid Plants

Pozos Canadienses

Canadian Wells





of Cultivation


Solar air conditioner

Swimming pools


Solar energy 
Parking lots

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