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  • Freddy Toro

How do solar cells work?

The first photovoltaic cells were created by Charles Fritts in 1883 and achieved 1% efficiency. Technological changes and constant innovation have made their contribution, not only in its physical appearance, but also in its performance. After the first solar cell, experiments were carried out with different materials that conduct solar energy, which gave rise to the solar panels that we know today, composed mainly of silicon.

On the other hand, it is necessary to explain the difference between solar cells and solar panels, since both terms are different, but are often interpreted as the same.

The operation of a solar cell occurs when this small unit captures light and transforms it from light energy to electrons, solar panels are the set of a certain number of solar cells arranged in several modules; here is the difference.

How do solar cells work? in a very simple explanation:

  1. Photovoltaic cells absorb photons of light to convert them into light or electrical energy. They do this by releasing electrons that will later become electrical current.

  2. Then, the set of photovoltaic cells, which are called solar panels, make the free electrons go from one semiconductor material to another.

  3. This movement generates a flow of electricity from the place with the highest potential to the place with the lowest potential, seeking to balance both points until the current is the same.

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